About Us
Study Buddy started assisting school learners informally some 15 years ago. In the year 2009, all our prior effort and a vision to help children achieve to their true potential crystallised into a formal, registered and statutorily compliant entity called Study Buddy.
Study Buddy has been borne out of a need to fill serious gaps in the provision of extra lessons to school learners. Study Buddy also addresses the macro issue of poor national performance in subjects like Mathematics, Science, English, Accounting and The Economic & Management Sciences.
Our firm belief is that after each extra lesson, your child must feel like she/he has learnt a sufficient amount to achieve 10% higher in her/his next school task.
Via careful dissemination of technical information in an interactive, friendly environment, Study Buddy grows school children from the 20%'s into the 50%'s and 60%'s. When we take your child into the 60%'s we then groom her/him to get ready for the 80%'s.
Where your child is currently scoring in the 70%'s and low 80%'s, we would be able to grow your child into the 90%'s.
Our performance numbers in the performance and testimonials pages illustrate the impact that Study Buddy has been making in the lives of school children.
Browse through our website and find out more about inter alia our team and subjects offered and performance numbers.
Your feedback via the e-mail link would be highly appreciated and would help us to help your child achieve to her/his true potential.